missions and medical trips
The Isbell family led by the matriarch Jean Isbell brought our 1st medical missionary (Alice Granger) to Honduras in the 1960s. Today were partner with medical groups like AHMEN- Alabama Honduras Medical and Educational Network and Carolina Clinics from the United States. Dr Bob Seymour (Mississippi) has been a stalwart in the dental arena. He established our dental clinic based at our National headquarters in LaCeiba and expanded his service to many other areas while serving others in love far outside of his medical expertise. We have had hundreds of medical personnel bless us with their knowledge, experience, and financial assistance over the years. Dr. Jose Caballero and Drs. Mike and Kim Paul have continued to support us on a monthly basis for decades. They will never know how many lives they have and continue to bless within the Cruzada Del Evanjelio de Honduras /SOIL network of missions.
When there are thousands under our mission umbrella there is always someone with a medical emergency. When a pastor has died his widow is without any source of income. We are their primary source. With over 200 licensed pastors we are trying to set aside a separate fund to cover the widows.
National disasters like hurricanes Eta and Iota created thousands of homeless, those sick with Dengue and Malaria and thousands of hungry children all over the country.
This year has been almost unbearable from a financial standpoint. The Covid-19 has had a devastating effect on thousands of our people. Please pray for our ability to meet more of these emergencies as they give us an opportunity to serve.
We invite medical individuals as well as teams to come in and assist us in helping as many as we can. During the summer months we have as 1-3 teams per month.
This would not be possible without the love, dedication, and support of individuals, organizations, and churches throughout the United States of America.